We deliver top-quality heating oil using our own fleet of well-maintained trucks. You may choose between automatic delivery or C.O.D. delivery (see below). Our courteous and professional drivers respect your home and your property, and leave it as neat and clean as when they first arrive.
The Many Benefits of Oilheat
Clean, safe and friendly - those are words that describe the communities in our special corner of Connecticut. That's why Oilheat is the perfect fuel for our Lower Fairfield County friends and neighbors.
Oilheat is safe.
- It will not burn in a liquid state. In order to light heating oil on fire, you must heat it above 140 degrees, the temperature at which it begins to vaporize.
- There are visible warnings if there is a malfunction. With home heating oil systems, carbon monoxide leaks rarely happen without warning. If an Oilheat system should malfunction, it will release a visible warning; these serve as early indicators that something is wrong, long before dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can be released into the air.
- It is non-explosive. A match dropped into heating oil will go out as if it were dropped into water.
Oilheat is "green."
- It burns cleanly. Today's Oilheat burns 95% cleaner than in 1970. Since it burns so cleanly, it comes well within the air pollution standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency. Low-sulfur products and biofuels, such as those made from soybeans, will further reduce the already near-zero emissions.
- It is kind to the environment. Residential heating oil equipment creates such a negligible amount of emissions that heating oil is not even regulated by the Federal Clean Air Act.
Oilheat is dependable.
It offers dependable and safe storage. With Oilheat, you benefit from having your fuel source safely stored in a tank on your property, with no need to worry about the weather or disruptions in the fuel supply.
- There will always be a plentiful supply. Even during the coldest winter months, there's more than enough Oilheat for everyone. In fact, the United States has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve with a capacity of 727 million barrels - the world's largest emergency oil stockpile - in addition to a two-million-barrel heating oil reserve in the Northeast. There are over 50 oil-producing countries, and the U.S. is not dependent on any one country or region for its supply.
- Oilheat can be blended with domestically produced biofuel to create Bioheat®. The fossil fuel component of heating oil is now supplemented by domestically grown, renewable plant-based biofuels. Bioheat® is good for the environment and good for America, too - see below for more information.
- You can rely on us! We offer dependable, courteous personalized service - with around-the-clock emergency response and the personal attention every customer deserves.
Oilheat is economical
- The price is right. On a BTU-for-BTU basis, Oilheat was priced lower than utility gas in 17 of the last 20 years.
- Competition keeps prices in check. Competition among local Oilheat companies helps to ensure a better value. But even more importantly, our company offers full service benefits that add value to every gallon of fuel you use (see below).
Oilheat is efficient.
- Oilheat is hot! Of all heating fuels, Oilheat has the hottest flame - for satisfying warmth, and rapid space and hot water heating.
- Oilheat systems are super-efficient! Thanks to major advancements being made in Oilheat burner technology, some Oilheat systems now boast efficiency ratings of over 95%! Modern Oilheat equipment actually burns less fuel. The average annual fuel consumption in 1973 was 1,294 gallons; and now it is only 833 gallons - that's 35% less fuel.
Oilheat offers friendly full service.
- We offer you a host of products and services to help you use less energy and save more money, including heating and cooling equipment installation, maintenance and repair; comprehensive service plans; convenient budget plans and price protection options; and so much more.
Bioheat® heating oil
It's clean, it's green, and sometimes it's made from a bean! It's Bioheat® heating oil, and it's the hottest thing happening in home heating oil. A mix of heating oil and biodiesel fuel, Bioheat® heating oil is chock full of benefits! Bioheat® heating oil is made from soybeans or other natural resources grown right here in America, so it supports local farmers and local jobs. And because it's renewable, biodegradable and non-toxic, it's good for Mother Earth. Plus, it's good for your heating system because it's clean-burning. Best of all, you don't have to make any changes to your current boiler or furnace, your service, or your delivery, because Bioheat® heating oil burns as reliably and efficiently as the Oilheat that's in your tank right now.
We are proud to deliver Bioheat® heating oil to our customers as our commitment to conservation and making our planet a better place for future generations to enjoy.
Automatic delivery
Our free automatic delivery option adds convenience to your life by eliminating the need to monitor your fuel tank and place orders for fuel. We plan a delivery schedule based on your past usage, then adjust your delivery dates using a sophisticated degree day tracking system that reliably gauges the daily weather conditions.
Our automatic delivery customers enjoy special benefits, including enrollment in a service plan and in a price protection program.
"Will-call" deliveries are also available for those customers who prefer to watch their fuel gauges and call for deliveries.
Anything else you'd like to know about heating oil and Bioheat®? Contact us now.